Thursday, April 23, 2009

More pictures.....

I'm drawn to abandoned houses.......

I was a bit of a shutter bug....We went for a ride yesterday and went out around Kickapoo towards sportsman's lake. I seen this house and I couldn't resist getting out and exploring....I think Benny thought I was nuts, but he is right :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back Off of Sponge Bob!!!

Ok, I'm not sure if you have seen it or not but Burger King has a new ad with Sir Mix a Lot and Sponge bob. It's a take on the big butt song, but it's hilarious (all the words are changed, perfectly harmless). I've seen it a few times and I think that it's a serious threat. I was scanning the headlines and such on a news page that I read frequently and found this. Today they had this parent poll discussing the inappropriateness of this ad, blew me away. This lady HONESTLY said...and I quote, that Sponge Bob was a horrible cartoon and wasn't educational and that is why kids these days are f---ed up and she can see why kids are "shooting and doing" each other at age 11. REALLY???? You are blaming sponge bob???? (This person did use "f--ed up" which coming from such a right wing conservative statement I found magical). First off, I don't think that it is imperative that every single thing that kids ingest (media and otherwise) has to ALWAYS be educational. They would get bored with it. They are kids after all, let them take a break and watch a cartoon. Kids go to school all day and learn spelling, math, reading, etc let them come home and give their little brains a break once in a while. Hannah Montana's goon ass sure isn't educational and I don't see anyone attacking that show or those other rediculous tween shows on Disney regardless of the fact that she is one step from being a total skank in real life.
The kids and I watch spongebob all the time and somehow we have yet to shoot anyone. What we have here is a classic case of a bored housewife with nothing better to do then blame society's problems on whatever pops into her view that day. Do I think that some shows and or video games are far too violent and suggest things that I wouldn't want my kids portraying in public? Yes. Do I let them watch it? No. There is your solution. Now wasn't that easy? Every parent, as a parent, has a certain reign of control over what their little ones watch and listen to. These things that ppl find so taboo can simply be wiped from the child's palette with out any bitching, any protest, and any "the world is a horrible mess" du jour. Personally, I would hate to be in a home that bans things like sponge bob, and anything non educational. But maybe that is just me.
How about using some of this vim and vigor for righteousness toward something worthy of attention. Like war, helping the homeless, feeding the hungry, fighting opression, protecting our constitution and human rights, or even simply feeding children in third world countries. With all the things going on in the world right now, it is just mind blowing to me that the focus of such strong blame and assumption is pointed at well, a talking sponge. Get a life, get a day job, unchain your children from the ban on their imagination!!! The fact of the matter is, is that you can shelter your children from anything you want. Whether it be simple harmless cartoons, everything you find offensive, and anything you find violent, but the fact remains the same that those things and so much more, all your wildest fears will be there waiting when your child turns off the TV and walks out the front door.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


One step forward two steps back...I am so dissapointed. The alarming rate in which things go wrong is just unnatural. *sigh* I need to quit being so emo about everything but I am just disgusted. Perhaps tomorrow will bring a resolution.


  • Some random thoughts on my weirdo brain this morning.
  1. I think I should learn to sew. I want to make quilts and purses and things. I should make that happen.
  2. LESS THEN A MONTH until LAMB OF GOD!!!!! I'm so excited! Finally a Candy/Lacy trip. I'm just as giddy as the first time I went to see them. The bitches on a road trip. Priceless....however we may never make it considering we get lost in Champaign....MAPQUEST!!!!!!!!!!! NOTE TO SELF: Introduce Tammy Sue to the beauty that is a metal show. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. I WANT MORE to win the lottery!
  4. THERE IS NO NUMBA 4!!!!
    Good Night.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Found some cool bones at the park on Saturday. It appeared to be a ribcage from a deer.What I am struggling to understand is...where is the rest of it? I mean, to gander where it was and how it was placed you would think that it just sort of laid down and well, died.
SO OBVIOUSLY the thing to do is to capture it with bizarre angles, right? Which is exactly what I did. The pics turned out great I think. Added just a few touches of edits and voila. I want to blow em up and frame em.
Poor dear.

Lets get started shall we.....

Nothing starts off a good Monday like new ventures. So here it is. A new blog. Never tried this before, gonna give it a go. I figure the way my mind races, I might as well put these ideas down some wheres right???
Who doesn't need a designated spot on the internet to talk to themselves???
Ok well I do.
Welcome self to an updated version of all my old notebooks and scrapbooks. :)